Thursday, September 28, 2006

dreamer of dreams

When we turn our hearts to heaven and bow down,
we'll see fathers and their children reconciled

We'll be the dreamers of your dreams
We'll be the dreamers of your dreams

When your fire falls from heaven we will rend our hearts to you
We will tell it to our children of the wonders you have done
And in every generation we will sing of your great love
Cause when your fire falls from heaven we'll return to you again

we'll be the dreamers of your dreams
we'll be the dreamers of your dreams
we'll be the dreamers of your dreams
(repeated several more times)
this is a fabulous song...if you ever want to hear it...just let me know i will send the file to you!

I want to dream the dreams of God......i want to tell my kids stories of when God came and His fire fell.......i want it to be real to them......i want to dream the dreams of God......WOW..what an amazing concept that i am sure all of you have heard before...but its dawning on me right now......cause we were talking about dreams the other day in class....and one of the kids in my class said that she dreams that she flies on Kraft single slices...and i dreampt about getting new snow pants but only to find out that my coat shrunk and was too small.....but can look at dreaming the dreams of God as in "sleeping dreams"...or the "dreams" of God as in what He His dream for us...what He wants to see.....or something that He sees us doing.....i want to see Gods dreams come true......

i love the depth of that word....dreams...say it yourself...go ahead!... :)...what are your dreams?...what have you always wanted to see or do?.........i think that the most rewarding thing that anyone can do for secretly making someone elses dream come true....i find it so rewarding...because you know that it means the world to that person....i think that too many people in this generation walk around with so many broken dreams.......dreams that seem to being loved or seeing thier parents get along....and these dreams sometimes turn into nightmares because not only has the dream not come true but they have worked them selves up only to plumit hard onto the a dream has become a down breaks breaks my heart.....God wants so much more for them....He wants them to dream His dreams...His dreams of Hope......not rainbows and Kraft singles....but Hope...and a new begining...sometimes we think of Gods dreams are always huge statduims filled with people....i am sure that is one of His....but i think that some times God wants us to dream His dreams of Love and acceptance......dream about His goodness and forgiveness....i dunno if i am making sence...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

"concentrated, on concentrate orange juice boxes"

she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said "concentrate."
haha...this little quote made me laugh...but it also got me many times in life we are just like that...we see something or God tells us something and we take the literal meaning of it.. and jump "gung hoe" in to it.....i dont know if i am coming across clear...but if the chick with the juice box took a moment and did some research...she would have realized that "concentrate" in that context meant that the juice wasent straight from the source.....instead she wasted 20 minutes looking at the box :)....cause she missed the true meaning....sometimes we are like that too....we dont take the moment to find the promise in the Word...or we dont wait for a conformation or clearer direction... and so we hear something like "new season"...and we jump into things that arent in the direction that God wants us to go...and so we waste "2o minutes"...or sometimes 20 years.....flowndering an air headed chick who is "concentrating" on her concentrated orange juice....the world does not need anymore "airheaded" we?..i dont think so...this generation needs people who arent afraid to ask the Lord to show them tangable Gideon...or that arent afraid to spend an hour searching the Word for the words that line up with the direction that God is taking them....i am not saying lets promote second guessing....i am saying lets stand on the words that God has spoken to us....and challenge them...cause there are sprirts that are around to distract us and tell us things that "sound or seem" something God wants us to do....but no matter what the false things HAVE TO FALL...but Gods truth and words spoken to us will always remain and stand dont be afraid to challenge...Gods not afraid of it...cause He has nothing to worry about...and if you see any of your fellow christians sitting around staring at "concentrated orange juice boxes"...pray for them...cause they have been misled and need Gods help to bring them back to the plan that HE has destined for them....

Monday, September 18, 2006

the falling leaf

well i dont know...i think that the times where you get the most inspiration is when you stop and take a breath from our busy lifes that we lead.....i did that today...and i was amazed by what i discovered.....i felt the cool breeze on my face...and most people would say thats retarded...."i feel the breeze all the time"...but i what discovered in that breeze is that it smelt to me like the changing of seasons....and God spoke and He showed me that there is a season change taking place in my life....and that His cool breeze is blowing through me....its the start of the change...cause even though alberta has a VERY SHORT..fall.....there is still a fall...and its a time where the leaves start to change colour and get ready to fall off.....and right then He made me look at my life as a leave..and this summer has been a time of growing and also a time where i am getting preped for my next phase...and i have started to change colour....and loosen my grip on my life and what i think is mine......and when i felt that breeze today (to tell you the truth its all coming back right in this moment)...but when i felt spirit was kinda like my signal that there is new things about to happen...and i might have to become disattached from the "tree"and cause if i stay connected then 1)i will miss out on where God wants to take me...and 2) i wont survive the winter on that tree......He is moving me purposly..and i feel that if i dont listen i wont be able to go on....just like a leaf would not be able to stay on the tree through out the harsh winter....but God is bringing me somewhere else....He'll blow me off the tree when He thinks i am where and to do what...i dont know! could be for something right here in sylvan lake..and for my school...i have no idea...i just want to be a willing little leaf!!...

Saturday, September 16, 2006


You dance over me, while im unaware
You sing all around but i never hear the sound

Lord im amazed by you
Lord im amazed by you
Lord im amazed by you
How you love me

you paint the monrning sky, with mircles in mind
my hope will always stand, for you hold me in you hands

Lord im amazed by you
Lord im amazed by you
Lord im amazed by you
How you love me

How deep
How wide
How great
is your love for me

How deep
How wide
How great
is your love for me

and my heart
yearns for you...

This song has revolutionized my life.....i cant sing it with out being moved....this summer God gave me such a revalation of His love....and it changed me completly....i love this song cause its all about the characteristics of God....its totally a love song to Him. but at the same time its His love song to paints such a beautiful picture in my head.....daddy dancing over me!...and singing love and blessings and safety over us all day everyday......its absolutly amazing....He is so good to His kids....just when you reach the top of the world....He pulls out something new to teach you and He pulls out more love and more blessings.....theres always more with many times i know in my life, where i become satisfied with level 4 but God is saying huney come up here come up now...come to a higher level with me....its a choice that i have to make....i have to trust the hands that hold the world......and put my hands in His and let Him guide me.....aahhhh i am burning with this excitment with this expectation....i cant even explain it....its like my spirit man has ADHD and is boucing around everywhere in side of me......GOD LET YOUR WILL BE DONE IN becomes so much more interesting when you let God take the wheel...cause He takes you to places that are in the secret places....that you havent seen before....i encourage you to allow God to take the wheel of your life....let Him next move or acceleration of speed!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

its been awhile

well i havent blogged in here in awhile....but i was still trying to digest from the last blog....God just continues to show me more and more revaltion about that vision......but i have been getting some new stuff too.....but i dont have the time right now to blog about it....but i will soon...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

the molting eagle..

He energizes those who get tired, gives fresh strength to dropouts.For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall.But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles,They run and don't get tired,they walk and don't lag behind.
Isaiah 40:31-message

this is kind of the theme for my blog today...that and psalm 103:5....they talk about the eagle...when we think of an eagle we think of an a majestic bird...and beautiful creature...that soars and lives in high is refered to many times in the Bible...but what i want to focus on today is a process that the eagle goes through....its called molting...and this can happen every seven or so years or at least one time through out the eagles life....and what the molting process is, is when the eagle comes down from the high places..the mountians....and it comes down to the valley and finds a that cave it begins to shed its becomes stripped of everything...some of the feathers are pulled from it....the bird becomes naked of its majestic coat of can no longer fly to the high places it is stuck in the cave...its a dead place...a stripping of everything

Some of you dont know about my life...but those that do will understand this..or maybe this applies to your life...but when i moved to alberta it was like i was flying down from the high places...i had influence and i flew above...and it was going good!....there was plenty of food around and i could easily be fed....whenever and wherever i wanted....but when i moved to alberta i flew into a valley...and i found a cave....and God began to strip my feathers....He began to take away my abitlity to ablitly to get my own food....i was naked and alone in this cave.....

when a eagle probably remembers what it was like to be flying high in the mountians and what it was like to eat whenever and to just soar above everything....but it becomes a season of trust...cause the molting eagles have to rely on the senior eagles to bring them food..they have to trust and rely that they will provide for them....cause the molting eagle can not fend for its self...its helpless....

God humbled me....He has showen me that i cant do it alone...i cant do it by myself...i need to rely on Him....i cant live this life alone...but i have to trust in His love and His grace....cause He will always come through and provide our needs...but as a molting eagle i began to doubt that i would ever come out of the cave that i was in....even though God was there providing for me...i still was doubting that i would ever fly again...that i would ever be able to see a mountain top again.....i began to believe that i was doing or did something wrong...and thats why i was so weak and naked....and it doesnt get better for the eagle yet...the next thing that happens is that is looses its abilitly to see....and that relates to me cause i couldnt see...i couldnt see past my was like i was blinded to the good things around me...i couldnt see the good...i couldnt believe because i didnt see it visions and dreams that God gave me before i moved....they were lost...i couldnt see here i was naked, alone, cold,blind, broken from beating myself up, mad, hungry...cause when the eagle is molting its looses its desire to eat....even tho the senior birds are feeding them...they begin to loose thier desire to eat...and i felt that spiritually.....i didnt want to read my bible...i dint want to listen in church...and here God was trying to feed me.....but i had no desire to eat....but i was so hungry it became frusterating......

but this summer and espeically enr and the people there....God began to take me out of this molting feathers started to grow back...and the molting eagles eye sight is restored through tears and a strong wind....and this summer was sure that....tons of tears....and there was this HUGE strong wind of the Lord that blew through my life.....i began to see again...i began to remmeber the dreams and visions....and one of the last things that happens to the molting eagle before it starts to soar that the oil cells under the eagles wings..they become activated...and a new oil covers the eagle....and thats excatically what God poured over my life at the end of this enr...was a new oil...a new oil of his gladness and vision and just covered me....and now i find my self in that place of the mountains again.....but the thing is that i have more strenght and wisdom and faith and trust then i have ever HAD...God renewed my strenght,..and the good thing is that when i continue to wait on Him...He will continue to pour out HIS strenght in me.

it answers my questions...

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

I'm speaking to you out of deep gratitude for all that God has given me, and especially as I have responsibilities in relation to you. Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it's important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No, God brings it all to you. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.

In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't.

If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.

Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.

Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody.

Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it."

Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.

Romans 12...from the message bible....its all we need to answers so many of lives questions...Oh God you are so amazing!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

he was just a normal man

i am posting for i didnt have time to post one yesterday.....yesterday the crocodile hunter (steve irwin)..died...most of you have already heard that...but when i found out yesterday i was pretty upset...cause when i was a kid..i wanted to be like him...cause he was so brave and he saved so many animals....we all knew that at any moment he could have died...he played with death all the time...and i think thats what drew his fans...but i think secretly we all thought that he was immortal... :)..i ya it got me thinking...steve had over 500 000 000 fans....when he died the whole world knew....well pretty much....anyone who has a tv or some sort of media device...and the thing is he was just a man...who grew up in a normal austraila....but his life led such an the area of animal rights and has inspired me....cause we were talking about rights in social today and we are all born equal..and when we are born we ..well most of us are all at the same level of importance....its what we do in life that makes us more noticeable and martin luther king jr for example......before he stood up for the rights....he was just another black man that worked like everyone else.....but when he stood up....he became an icon..and a role model for many.....for us we all live pretty normal lifes..we go to school etc..but we all have the potential to be great men and women for God...we all have the potential to be like steve or martin.....its wat we choose to do with our lifes....we need to stop underestimating the power that God has placed in us......we can do great things for Him...and many people will know the God with in us....the main difference between becoming famous in God and famous in man is that it shouldnt matter about our name becoming great...but His...i think its time that our generation begins to stand up like martin for our friends...for our broken familes...angainst injustice....cause thats all martin and steve did..they stood...and people followed....but ultimatly thats what Jesus did.....He stood up to the leaders of His time and said..NO!..He said no to rejection and no to hurt and no to to belittleing the children.....when He died on that cross...He said NO longer do they have to live in hurt and dispare...and in guilt and shame....who are we standing against?....are we standing?....or are we sitting on our padded butts and hearing about people like steve dying and saying "oh he was a good man..."...or are we encouraged when we hear about how Jesus took on authority and acknowlegdement because he stood...and people followed...and people still follow today...i am one of them!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

when you need someone the most.

well its been two days since i have written in here..and a few events have taken place...since i live such an interesting life...umm...for starters i played golf on saturday and that was a big success..i was pretty impressed with myself......i have been really tested...over these last few days...i have been struggling alot with finding my place in God....finding my friendship in Him.....and finding my friendships in people...its hard place to be in when there is no one around you....ulitmately i am praying that God brings in a mentor into my life...i want to so badly be mentored by someone...with more knowledge than me...more maturity..and faith...i want to learn and be corrected...i want a moses or a be like a joshua..or a elisha....God spoke to me His little small was through our pastors wife...she had called all the little kids up to the front and she was asking if people were interested in helping with the BG clubs at our church (BG is a boys and gurls come play and learn about God and get badges and its pretty cool)....and she said..these kids need to be mentored by older Godly men and women of become rolemodels for them...and i was like...hmmm...and it was the littlest thing but i am going to help with BG this fall...cause God was reminding me about the reaping and sowing principle...and how i want a older mentor so bad....i've got to be one to the kids younger than i love doing things like BG so its a plus.....but i am really believing and standing on that...that God is going to come through....and as a encouragement to those out there....our generation needs to be setting the example for the kids younger than us......they are crying out for rolemodels and mentors......just like we did and do......but i think that we need to be the change we want to see....we have to go to them and start being the big brothers and sisters to them....and watch God bring people into our lifes...i dunno its just a thought.....

Friday, September 01, 2006

on the outside looking in

i want that place back in your heart....
i want to see your face again....
i want to see you laugh and cry...
i want to rap my arms around you....
i want to feel you by my side....
i want to know that you still love me...
i dont want to be just another person...
i dont want to weigh you down....
i dont want you to forget...
i dont want to be just a frigment of your life....
i dont want to be dead person that you randomly remember....
cause i love it when you smile....
cause i love it when you share things with me....
cause i love it when you dont care about what others think...
cause i love it when we used to hang out...
cause i love it cause i can be me.....

cause you guys were my best friends...
now i only have a small window left in your lifes....
its going to shut soon...
it will be a dark day for me.....
but i am prepared....
as much as anyone can be....

its because i love you so much...
that i will let you go....
i will free you from me.....
so that you can find comfort in new people...
i want to say dont forget....
but i know you will....

i wont hold it against you....
i wont remind you....
friendships were made to end....
take me to heaven God....
i have no place left here...

i want to be found in you....
you are my hiding place....

its a tour of trauma

welll i had some issues with my blog today...thats why both these posts read friday...but its all good was a good day other than the fact that i was tired...but that was my had issues with my spanish teacher last year and this year even tho i have only been back for two days...those disagreements have pretty much cleared up between the two of us...which is good cause i need to do well in spanish this year....i love my social teacher is really amazing...he is so he was talking about change in our world...and i love learning about things like the war in israel and censorships in china...but not only learning about the event but trying to figure out why it is happening and who it is effecting....its quite interesting and i think it is important that we inform our selfs on whats happening around us....i love art class...right now i am working on a painting..its a vision that God gave me of this lamp post and a human burning on it...its sounds wierd....but its kinda abstract looking the human looks naked...and has fire over him...and what it means is that 1). we become unashamed of God and His plan in our lifes..2)God wants us to be a light and be put on a lamp post for all to see.. and 3) the fire of God needs to consume our everything...they all kind of tie together..but ya..its going to be cool when it is done...maybe i'll post a pic of it.!

first of the last

I have decided that i was going to keep a journal through out my last year of no better day to start then on the first be honest i am really excited about this year cause i am excited to see what i am going to learn and what God is planning to do through me....its my time to leave my mark...leave a legacy......its such a crazy feeling to be almost done...when i was a kid i never thought that i would ever make it to grade 12....i thought that math in grade 3 would kill me and i wouldnt be able to go on....but look at me now!!..alive and well and in math 12...haha..oh was nice to come back to school and see fimilar faces....HJ is alot different since i went to school there last year...its a totally different feeling witch is so good...i am feeling more space to be my self and more open to share my ideas and thoughts instead of not saying anything at all....which is so amazing......umm...thats about it for the first day....

My goal for this year is to fall so completly in love with my Daddy...and that I become completly imersed in Him...i know its going to take a alot of work...but i am up for it...i am going to take my summer of wisdom and impartation and apply it to this year...and my theme chapters are psalms 42 and psalms 139..(sorry no one else can read those..they are mine... :)..just joking)....but i want them to lead me through this year...they are amazing parts of scripture...if you havent read them before i suggest you do...!!

and i ask those of you who surround me...i want to ask that you keep me accountable to things that maybe i have shared with some of you...cause its my desire to apply those things and believe in the dreams that He has showen me...thank you to all!